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in Season
SUM25 Broadway Troupers

Broadway Troupers
Grades 2-3, 1:00-4:00 PM, July 14-18
$175 Subscribers/$185 Non-Subscribers
Sing, dance, and act while learning show tunes and moves in a playful and fun atmosphere. Perform a musical showcase for family and friends on the last day. New songs and script for returning campers!
Students should sign up for either the morning session of Broadway Troupers OR the afternoon session.
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 Amazing Survival Stories

Amazing Survival Stories
Grades 5-7, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 21-25
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Amazing Survival Stories for Adventurous Kids retells the stories of people-just like you-who use their wits and good luck to survive in the worst possible situations. Retell their stories, and write new ones, that you can perform for your families on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 Performance Academy: The Happiness Shop
with Rusk Dorsett

Performance Academy: The Happiness Shop
Grades 7-9, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 21-25
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
The Happiness Shop is not like any other. It is filled with Roppets: not quite a robot and not quite a puppet. A Roppet is completely happy all the time. Isn’t that all it takes for a middle school student to be happy? Blake, Melanie and Wally all have pretty big problems. But in the shop they have one question to answer and one question only: What would you do to be completely happy? Performance on final day.
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
Will run
SUM25 The Babysitter's Club Session A
with Tali Eisenstadt

The Babysitter’s Club
Grades 4-6, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 21-25
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Recreate and reimagine stories from the popular graphic novels. The members of The Babysitter’s Club deal with cranky toddlers, scary dogs, and nosy neighbors, all while trying to navigate parents and school drama. Along the way, they discover friendship is the most important thing of all. Rehearse scenes and perform for parents on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 The Day the Crayons Quit

The Day the Crayons Quit
Grades 2-3, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 21-25
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Duncan just wants to color, but when he opens the crayon box, he finds out all the crayons have quit! Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking, Pink just wants to be used, and Blue is tired of coloring all that water. Audition for roles, learn your lines, practice your blocking, and get ready to shine!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 Stagecraft and Stories: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie

Stagecraft and Stories: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie
Grades 4-5, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 28-August 1
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Get inside the mind of a 10-year-old Zombie navigating the ups and downs of life in the Overworld. Between battling the urge to eat pumpkins (not brains, blech!) and trying to fit in at school, this Zombie's diary is full of laughs, surprises, and friendship in the most unlikely of places. Design and create backdrops and props, rehearse the scenes, and perform for parents on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 Stagecraft and Stories: Mo Willems

Stagecraft and Stories: Mo Willems
Grades 2-3, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 28-August 1
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Design and create backdrops and props based on Mo Willem’s hilarious books. Rehearse scenes with your favorite pigeon, Elephant Gerald, Piggie, Leonardo, and other Mo Willems characters from the books. There will be showcase for parents on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 Stagecraft and Stories: National Park Mysteries

Stagecraft and Stories: National Park Mysteries
Grades 6-7, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 28-August 1
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Based on the popular series! Amber, Jake, and Wes are trying to solve an ancient mystery, all while navigatinga scavenger hunt through one of America’s beautiful National Parks. The mystery unfolds while they learn about survival skills, solve secret codes, and avoid the shadowy figures that follow them everywhere. Design and create backdrops and props, rehearse the scenes, and perform for parents on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!