SUM25 Mia Mayhem & Captain Awesome
Mia Mayhem & Captain Awesome
Grades 2-3, 1:00-4:00 PM, June 2-6
$175 Subscribers/$185 Non-Subscribers
Mashup alert! Captain Awesome and his best friend, Nacho Cheese Man, have joined with Mia Mayhem, an ordinary eight year old who discovers she has a super secret…everyone in her family is a super hero! Fight crime and share their stories with parents on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
Jun 2 - 6th, 2025
Mon - Fri for 1 week from 1:00 - 4:00 pmWill run
Des Moines Community Playhouse
(515) 974-5365
831 42nd St
Des Moines , IA 50312
Get directions
Room: LAB Theatre