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Grade 4
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SUM25 Stagecraft and Stories: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie

Stagecraft and Stories: Diary of a Minecraft Zombie
Grades 4-5, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, July 28-August 1
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Get inside the mind of a 10-year-old Zombie navigating the ups and downs of life in the Overworld. Between battling the urge to eat pumpkins (not brains, blech!) and trying to fit in at school, this Zombie's diary is full of laughs, surprises, and friendship in the most unlikely of places. Design and create backdrops and props, rehearse the scenes, and perform for parents on the final day!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!
SUM25 Broadway Stars

Broadway Stars
Grades 4-5, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, August 4-8
$285 Subscribers/$295 Non-Subscribers
Sing, dance, and act while learning show tunes and moves, then perform a musical showcase for family and friends on the last day. New songs and script for returning campers!
*Go here learn about types of classes, what to bring, and other important information!